God, for guiding me and letting me get this far.My family, who have always been by my side, supported, and encouraged me in all my decisions.To my husband Daniel, for his support, love, and help in carrying out all the stages of this project.The School of Agriculture "Luiz de Queiroz" -Unit of the University of São Paulo and the Graduate Program in Agricultural Systems Engineering (PPGESA), for the opportunity to take the course.To Professor José Paulo Molin, for his guidance, trust, patience, and friendship.The Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), for granting the scholarship.To my colleagues at the laboratory (LAP), in particular Lucas, Martello, Marcelo, Tatiana, Leonardo, Tiago, and Orlando for their friendship and companionship.To my friends at ESALQ, Jessica, Larissa, Isabella, and Cleverson for their help and friendship.To Grupo Guima Café for the experimental area and help with data collection.To everyone who helped me in any way in the execution of this project, thank you very much.