Changes in labile soil phosphorus pools, together with changes in organic matter and total organic soil phosphorus levels, were measured following rhododendron harvest and hurricane windthrow events at the Coweeta Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) site. Seasonal soil samples were 1 taken every 3 months from June 1996 to September 1997. Soil cores were taken along four transects within each study area at distances approximately 1, 5, and 15 m upslope from the stream channel. Levels of resin P were low for all sites and sampling dates (<5 [jug PO 4 -P g soil" 1 ). Levels of bicarbonate inorganic P were <8 (jig PO 4 -P g soil" 1 for all sites and sampling dates, whereas bicarbonate organic P levels were somewhat higher and ranged from 6.5 to 26.6 jjig PO 4 -P g soil"
1. Microbial P levels were the most variable and ranged from 4.5 to 25.8 |xg PO 4 -P g soil"
1. In contrast, total organic P levels were high, 149 to 348 (jug PO 4 -P g soil"
1. For the 3 years after the disturbance events, there were no significant changes in labile phosphorus pools or in total organic phosphorus levels in the soil. This lack of significant differences is likely attributable to the low phosphorus, high P-sorbing status of the soils at Coweeta and the lack of erosion that followed these disturbance events. (Soil Science 1999;164:391-402)