[1] Partitioning of the total non-water absorption coefficient of seawater, a nw (l) (i.e., the light absorption coefficient after subtraction of pure water contribution), into phytoplankton, a ph (l), and non-phytoplankton, a dg (l), components is important in the areas of ocean optics, biology, and biogeochemistry. We propose a partitioning model based on stacked-constraints approach, which requires input of a nw (l) at a minimum of six specific light wavelengths. Compared with existing models, our approach requires much less restrictive assumptions about the spectral slope of a dg (l) and the spectral shape of a ph (l). Our model is based on several inequality constraints determined from an extensive, quality-verified set of field data covering oceanic and coastal waters from low to high-latitudes. With these constraints, the model first derives a wide range of speculative solutions for a dg (l) and a ph (l) and then identifies feasible solutions. Final model outputs include the optimal solution and a range of feasible solutions for a dg (l) and a ph (l). The optimal solutions agree well with measurements. For example, the median ratio of the model-derived optimal solutions to measured a dg (l) and a ph (l) at 443 nm is very close to 1, i.e., 1.004 and 0.988, respectively. The median absolute percent difference between the optimal solutions and measured values of a dg (443) and a ph (443) is 6.5% and 12%, respectively. The range of feasible solutions encompasses the measured a dg (l) and a ph (l) with a probability >90% at most wavelengths. Our results support the prospect for the applications of the partitioning model using the input data of a nw (l) collected from various oceanographic and remote-sensing platforms.Citation: Zheng, G., and D. Stramski (2013), A model based on stacked-constraints approach for partitioning the light absorption coefficient of seawater into phytoplankton and non-phytoplankton components,