“…To the west of the VulcanoeTindari fault system, the southern Tyrrhenian Sea margin is characterized by moderate crustal seismicity, mostly related to an EeW oriented, regional belt of contraction and dextral shear (Nicolich et al, 1982;Boccaletti et al, 1990;Nigro and Sulli, 1995;Gueguen et al, 2002;Giunta et al, 2004). Focal mechanisms are mostly characterized by strikeeslip and reverse-oblique kinematics compatible with lowdip NWeSE to NNWeSSE trending P-axes (Frepoli and Amato, 2000;Neri et al, 2005;Pondrelli et al, 2006;Giunta et al, 2009), roughly consistent with the general convergence between the European and African plates (Hollenstein et al, 2003;Lavecchia et al, 2007;Ferranti et al, 2008).…”