This article presents the synthesis of a nonlinear multi-object differential game model in relation to the process of safe ship control in collision situations at sea. Nonlinear dynamic equations of a target ship and linear kinematic equations of passing ships were used to formulate the game state equations. The model of such a differential game was developed using LabVIEW 2022 version software. This was then subjected to simulation tests using the example of a navigational situation in which the target ship passed three encountered ships at a safe distance under the conditions of non-cooperation of ships, their cooperation, and optimal non-game control. The results of the computer simulation are presented in the form of ship trajectories and time courses of individual game control variables. The distinguishing feature of the model built in LabVIEW software is the ability to conduct research in online mode, where the user has the opportunity to track the impact of changes in the model parameters on the course of the differential game simulation on an ongoing basis. Further refinements of the simulation model should concern the larger number of ships and test the sensitivity of the game control quality to inaccuracies in the measured state variables and to changes in the parameters of the ship’s dynamics.