A binary mixtures of Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) structures exhibit an incredible richness in terms of holding different kinds of phases. Depending on the ratio of the inter-and intra-atomic interactions, the transition from mixed to separated phase, which is also known as the miscibilityimmiscibility transition, has been reported in different setups and by different groups. Here, we describe such type of quantum phase transition (QPT) in an effective Hamiltonian approach, by applying Holstein-Primakoff transformation in the limit of large number of particles. We demonstrate that non-trivial geometric phase near the critical coupling is present, which confirms the connection between Berry phase and QPT. We also show that, by using the spin form of Hillery & Zubairy criterion, a two mode entanglement accompanies this transition in the limit of large, but not infinite number of particles.
APPENDIXHere we show the derivations of Eqs. (29) and (30). By inserting displaced operators defined in Eq. (12) into the