Electronic 2D spectroscopy allows nontrivial quantum effects in chemistry and biology to be explored in unprecedented detail. Here, we apply recently developed fluorescence detected coherent 2D spectroscopy to study the light harvesting antenna 2 (LH2) of photosynthetic purple bacteria. The method utilizes the destructive interference between two signal components thereby uncovering cross peaks which are not visible in conventional photon-echo based 2D and transient absorption measurements. Analyses of signal generating quantum pathways leads to the conclusion that, contrary to the currently prevailing physical picture, the two weakly-coupled pigment rings of LH2 share the initial electronic excitation leading to quantum mechanical correlation between the two clearly separate bands. These results are general and have consequences for the interpretation of excited states not only in photosynthesis but in all light absorbing systems. The initial delocalization could be the key for enhancing the light harvesting efficiency via biased motion towards the energy funnel.The primary processes in photosynthesis run with nearly 100 % quantum efficiency -almost every absorbed photon leads to a charge separation event. How such high efficiency is achieved and the possible role of quantum processes in it, is currently at the center of active scientific research (1-4). One of the possible functional elements of such quantum behavior and optimization in photosynthesis is delocalization -the spatial domain coherently covered by the excited state after light absorption (5).