For a long time, obtaining with a great accuracy the optical and morphological properties of a transparent sample without degrading the layer has been challenging. To achieve these expectations, contactless techniques are well suitable and brought optical methods to the forefront. Over recent years white light scanning interferometry has been increasingly used for studying and characterizing transparent materials with thicknesses ranging from a few hundred nanometers to several micrometers. Then, multiple techniques have been developed to retrieve the transparent layer properties from interferometric data. The more recent techniques, based on the use of an error function which defines the best fit between the experimental and theoretical data, allow the determination of the properties of very thin films (< 1 µm). We show here that a similar method can be applied to thicker layers (> 1 µm) for simultaneously measuring their optical and morphological properties, provided that a crucial step is carefully considered during the data acquisition process. This enables the simultaneous measurements of both the thickness and the refractive index (dispersion) without any prior assumptions about one of the two parameters. We demonstrate the proposed method by accurate measurements on a few micrometers thick PMMA layer as well as on a SnO2 layer, which is a much more dispersive sample.