We present a technique for efficient generation of the second-harmonic signal at several points of a nonlinear crystal simultaneously. Multispot operation is performed by using a diffractive optical element that splits the near-infrared light of a mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser into an arbitrary array of beams that are transformed into an array of foci at the nonlinear crystal. We show that, for pulse temporal durations under 100 fs, spatiotemporal shaping of the pulse is mandatory to overcome chromatic dispersion effects that spread both in space and time the foci showing a reduced peak intensity that prevents nonlinear phenomena. We experimentally demonstrate arbitrary irradiance patterns for the second-harmonic signal consisting of more than 100 spots with a multipass amplifier delivering 28 fs, 0.8 mJ pulses at 1 kHz repetition rate. © 2012 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: 090.1970, 320.7100, 320.7110. Current high-gain femtosecond amplifiers running at kilohertz repetition rate provide output pulse energies at the millijoule level that overpass by a huge amount the required energy for some applications. For instance, the pulse energies used at the low fluence regime for surface micro-and nanostructuring of materials (e.g., metals and semiconductors) are often <10 μJ. Similar values are required for pulse processing of dielectric solids (fused silica) or liquid resins [1]. Also, pulsed Ti:sapphire lasers offer abundant light for multiphoton excitation in nonlinear microscopy with 90-95% of the light discarded. The use of multiple beams in parallel to take advantage of the full power of the amplifier system has been proposed and demonstrated in fields as material processing [2]-[8] and multiphoton microscopy [9][10][11]. Such methods rely on the use of diffractive optical elements (DOEs) or microlens arrays to divide the laser beam into several beamlets that, after focusing, scan the sample simultaneously. DOEs are usually the choice as they allow dynamic codification. The use of DOEs however is problematic for laser pulses in the femtosecond regime. Several authors have reported an increase of the eccentricity of the focused spots with the transverse distance at the irradiation plane that is attributed to the finite bandwidth of the laser source [3,7,9]. For example a 100 fs pulse at center wavelength of 790 nm has a bandwidth of approximately 15 nm or 1.9% of the center wavelength. This situation is even worse for shorter pulse durations. More interestingly, the pulse is also stretched in time as a result of the propagation time difference between pulses crossing the DOE at different transverse positions (angular dispersion). This effect cannot be precompensated with the chirping of the original pulse as group-velocitydispersion broadening. As a result, there is an inherent drop of the peak intensity inhomogeneously distributed over the working area. This fact prevents nonlinear interactions in outer regions from the axis. Note that, for instance, the second-harmonic (SH) signal increases inversely...