The article is about the classification of anomaly detection dataset-UCF videos obtained from Kaggle. The data set consists of 4-class video files. While three of them consist of different crimes and abnormal events such as Burglary, Explosion, and Fighting, one class consists of videos containing quotes from daily life that do not contain different crimes or events. 4-class videos from Anomaly-Detection-Dataset-UCF were used, Burglary consists of 100 videos, and videos from the other 3 classes are 50 each. and the number of frames of each video varies. First, each video in the dataset was converted into image frames. Because video data is the combination of multiple image frames to form a series. and each picture frame in this series contains important information. To obtain this information, feature information of each frame was extracted. This feature extraction process was carried out with 3 different algorithms. These algorithms; Alexnet is Vgg19 and Resnet18. However, during the feature acquisition phase, the last three layers from each of the 3 pre-training algorithms were removed with Transfer Learning, and 4 layers were manually added instead. and retrained Alexnet, vgg19, and resnet18 pretraining algorithms. Thus, it was aimed to obtain 1500 features instead of 1000 from each pre-training algorithm. It was aimed to obtain more detailed information about the videos by extracting more features. that is, it was aimed to increase the number of features with transfer learning. In other words, in this study, transfer learning was used for feature improvement and the effects of these three different algorithms on classification accuracy with the same parameters were investigated. The classification was done in MATLAB with an LSTM classifier as 5-fold. The data is divided into 5 parts with 5 folds, and different data are divided into test and train in each cycle. In this way, all data is reviewed and accuracy is verified at each fold. In the end, the classification result is obtained by averaging the accuracy in 5 cycles. Among the 3 algorithms, with both transfer learning and 5-fold classification, the lowest result was obtained from the Alexnet pre-training algorithm with 94.3% accuracy, Vgg19 with 96% accuracy, and the highest result was obtained from resnet18 with 98% accuracy. The content of the study focuses on examining these truths in detail.