Mesoscale eddies are the important phenomenon of world oceans that play a prominent role in influencing the near-surface atmosphere and transport of heat. Ocean and atmosphere responses due to the presence of oceanic mesoscale eddies are not well studied in the Northern Indian Ocean (NIO) region.The present study analysed the ocean and atmospheric response due to the presence of mesoscale eddies using a composite analysis. Generally, it is assumed that the anti-cyclonic eddies are associated with the positive anomalies of sea surface temperature (SST), and cyclonic eddies are accompanied by negative anomalies. However, for the two marginal seas in the NIO, that is, the Bay of Bengal (BoB) and Arabian Sea (AS), the composite picture of SST anomalies associated with mesoscale eddies showed an abnormal response of SST. This unusual behaviour of cold SST near anti-cyclonic eddies and warm SST near cyclonic eddies in BoB and AS is analysed with the mean composites of precipitation, outgoing longwave radiation (OLR), and turbulent fluxes. The mean composites over all anti-cyclonic eddies reveal the presence of enhanced precipitation and convection (low OLR), whereas over cyclonic eddies, suppressed convection and negative precipitation anomalies are evident. The composites of latent heat flux (LHF), precipitation and OLR near surface cold anticyclonic eddies indicate the loss of heat from the ocean to the atmosphere, intense precipitation along with cloudy conditions are responsible for the cooling of the ocean. Along with this, stronger winds are also evident during cloudy conditions could play a role in anomalous cooling of SST observed near anti-cyclonic through intense surface mixing. Similarly, vice versa is observed near the surface warm cyclonic eddies. The overlying atmosphere and abnormal response of SST near oceanic eddies are essential for understanding the significant role of oceanic mesoscale eddies in influencing the large-scale circulation of the atmosphere and climate.