Rapid growth of urbanization and industrialization in Bangladesh has been coupled with increasing environmental pollution. The coastal and estuarine ecosystems of the country are now facing increasing pollution pressures because of the elevated level of waste discharges from various sources. Major sources of pollution include domestic sewage, industrial waste, commercial waste, agricultural waste, institutional waste, street sweepings, construction debris, mining activities and sanitation residues etc. In this review, status and effect of solid waste pollution, heavy metal pollution, organochlorine pesticides pollution and oil pollution along with the Karnafully River Estuary is assessed by a comprehensive review, recorded by researchers especially on water, sediment and aquatic biota. Different study show that metal concentrations in estuarine water relatively higher due to rapid acceleration of industrial sector. Metal concentrations is higher in fish than water and sediment. Elevated level of trace metals is highly detrimental for fish and human mechanism shown by different studies. Oil pollution is responsible for environmental deterioration due to its adverse effects on estuarine biota, fish and shellfishes, phytoplankton and zooplankton. Industrialization is needed for the development of the country. But it should be eco-friendly for the effective and sustainable development and for the protection of the environment (aquatic).