Zmiany zasolenia i poziomu wody jeziora Jamno wynikające z budowy wrót przeciwsztormowych
Changes in Salinity and Water Level of the Lake Jamno Resulting from the Construction of Storm GatesThe aim of the study is to determine changes in salinity and water level of the Lake Jamno, which occurred as a result of the construction of the storm gate. It is very important aspect, as in the case of coastal lakes rather seeks to "open" object on the direct impact of the sea, and not his "closing". Of course there are many examples in the world to create such hydrotechnical building, the aim of which is to prevent the phenomenon of flooding from the sea. Often it is the result of climate change causing an increase in the number of observed extreme phenomena, example of which are the storm gates in the Thames. Therefore, you should always think about the meaning of the creation of such structures and their subsequent impact on the biotic and abiotic environment. Also be sure to with great care to prepare a draft of such a construction that does not cause more losses than benefits. The study consisted primarily of a review of source materials and fieldwork prior to the construction of a storm barrier (2002)(2003)(2004)(2005)(2006)(2007)(2008) and following the construction of the storm barrier (2015). Fieldwork included hydrographic surveys and water sampling for laboratory analysis. The most important source of information on changes following the construction of the storm barrier was the online source: The website included data on water levels and specific conductivity for Lake Jamno and the Jamno Canal. The main and most readily observable outcome of the construction of a storm barrier has been a change in water quality in Lake Jamno. This is especially true in the case of key indicators related to marine water including conductivity, whose values changed from brackish-water-type to freshwater--type. A second outcome of the construction of the storm barrier was a change in the water level fluctuation range for Lake Jamno. The fluctuation range has now been reduced by 30 to 40 cm.Keywords: Lake Jamno, storm gate, conductivity, salinity, water level
WstępStosunki wodne na świecie, w tym obraz sieci hydrograficznej, ulegają stałym i ciągłym zmianom, wynikającym z szeregu procesów naturalnych (zmiany klimatyczne, warunki pogodowe, specyfika rzeźby terenu, budowa geologiczna itd.) oraz oddziaływań antropogenicznych (procesy melioracyjne, zmiany przebiegu koryt rzek i ich obudowa, dopływ zanieczyszczeń, użytkowanie terenu itd.), szczególnie dobrze widocznych w ostatnim dwustuleciu [1]. W konsekwencji można obserwo-