Abstract. Spatiotemporal fractionation schemes, that is, treatments delivering different dose distributions in different fractions, can potentially lower treatment side effects without compromising tumor control. This can be achieved by hypofractionating parts of the tumor while delivering approximately uniformly fractionated doses to the surrounding tissue. Plan optimization for such treatments is based on biologically effective dose (BED); however, this leads to computationally challenging nonconvex optimization problems. Optimization methods that are in current use yield only locally optimal solutions, and it has hitherto been unclear whether these plans are close to the global optimum. We present an optimization framework to compute rigorous bounds on the maximum achievable normal tissue BED reduction for spatiotemporal plans.The approach is demonstrated on liver tumors, where the primary goal is to reduce mean liver BED without compromising any other treatment objective. The BED-based treatment plan optimization problems are formulated as quadratically constrained quadratic programming (QCQP) problems.First, a conventional, uniformly fractionated reference plan is computed using convex optimization. Then, a second, nonconvex, QCQP model is solved to local optimality to compute a spatiotemporally fractionated plan that minimizes mean liver BED, subject to the constraints that the plan is no worse than the reference plan with respect to all other planning goals. Finally, we derive a convex relaxation of the second model in the form arXiv:1712.03046v1 [physics.med-ph] 8 Dec 2017Spatiotemporal fractionation with bounds on the achievable benefit 2 of a semidefinite programming (SDP) problem, which provides a rigorous lower bound on the lowest achievable mean liver BED.The method is presented on 5 cases with distinct geometries. The computed spatiotemporal plans achieve 12-35 percent mean liver BED reduction over the optimal uniformly fractionated plans. This reduction corresponds to 79-97 percent of the gap between the mean liver BED of the uniform reference plans and our lower bounds on the lowest achievable mean liver BED. The results indicate that spatiotemporal treatments can achieve substantial reductions in normal tissue dose and BED, and that local optimization techniques provide high-quality plans that are close to realizing the maximum potential normal tissue dose reduction.