Historical migration routes for anadromous sturgeons in the Danube River have been interrupted by transversal structures for hydropower use, from which the Iron Gates hydropower system represents the first significant barrier upstream Danube from the Black Sea. For the implementation of DALIA project, funded by Horizon Europe, the National Institute for Research and Development in Environmental Protection Bucharest (INCDPM) carries out research and innovation activities that aim to provide a sustainable solution for ultrasonic tagged sturgeons to by-pass upstream and downstream the hydropower dams. The spatial and temporal parameters recorded during April 2024 for the behavior of 7 male and 2 female ultrasonic tagged sturgeon specimens was analyzed and incorporated in a decisional matrix that provided the value 4 to 1 for the male to female ratio. This result is taken into account in the design for the by-pass solutions to be implemented for the dams that will provide the restoration of the historical multisecular migration route for ultrasonic tagged sturgeon species.