Van der Heyden, H., Lefebvre, M., Roberge, L., Brodeur, L., and Carisse, O. 2014. Spatial pattern of strawberry powdery mildew (Podosphaera aphanis) and airborne inoculum. Plant Dis. 98:43-54.The relationship between strawberry powdery mildew and airborne eonidium concentration (ACC) of Podosphaera aphanis was studied using data collected from 2006 to 2009 in 15 fields, and spatial pattern was described using 2 years of airborne inoculum and disease incidence data collected in fields planted with the June-bearing strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) cultivar Jewel. Disease incidence, expressed as the proportion of diseased leaflets, and ACC were monitored in fields divided into 3x8 grids containing 24 100 m-quadrats. Variance-tomean ratio, index of dispersion, negative binomial distribution. Poisson distribution, and binomial and beta-binomial distributions were used to characterize the level of spatial heterogeneity. The relationship between percent leaf area diseased and daily ACC was linear, while the relationship between ACC and disease incidence followed an exponential growth curve. The V/M ratios were significantly greater than 1 for 100 and 96% of the sampling dates for ACC sampled at 0.35 m from the ground (ACCo 35^) and for ACC sampled at 1.0 m from the ground (ACCiom). respectively. For disease incidence, the index of dispersion D was significantly greater than 1 for 79% of the sampling dates. The negative binomial distribution fitted 86% of the data sets for both ACC| om and ACCoijn,. For disease incidence data, the beta-binomial distribution provided a good fit of 75% of the data sets.