During a mainshock-aftershock (MSAS) sequence, there is no time to retrofit structures that are damaged by a mainshock; therefore, aftershocks could cause additional damage. This study proposes a new approach to develop state-dependent fragility curves using real MSAS records. Specifically, structural responses before and after each event of MSAS sequences are used to obtain statistical relationships among the engineering demand parameter prior to the seismic event (pre-EDP), the intensity measure of the seismic event (IM), and the engineering demand parameter after the seismic event (post-EDP). The developed fragility curves account for damage accumulation, providing the exceeding probability of damage state (DS) given the IM of the event and the DS of the structure prior to the seismic excitation. The UBC-SAWS model, which was developed for wood-frame houses in British Columbia, Canada, is considered as a case study application. Results indicate that for the examined structural typology, state-dependent fragility curves based on residual interstorey drift ratio (pre-EDP), peak ground velocity (IM), and maximum inter-storey drift ratio (post-EDP) are the best choice to characterise the cumulative damage effect. An illustration of the developed fragility curves is provided by considering a hypothetical MSAS scenario of a M w 9.0 Cascadia mainshock triggering a M w 6.0 crustal event in the Leech River fault, affecting wooden houses in Victoria, Canada. The MSAS scenario increases Yellow tags (restricted access) by 12.3% and Red tags (no access) by 4.8%.
K E Y W O R D Scloud analysis, multinomial distribution, nonlinear dynamic analysis of wood-frame houses, real mainshock-aftershock sequences, state-dependent aftershock fragility curves /journal/eqe of-freedom system and used the maximum inter-storey drift ratio (MaxISDR) as EDP. Ebrahimian et al (2014) developed a performance-based framework for aftershock risk forecasting, which consists of an epidemic-type aftershock sequence model and event-based aftershock fragility curves. 7 The ground motion records that were constructed for developing event-dependent aftershock fragility curves were selected from the pool of observed aftershock events.The procedure by Luco et al facilitates various postearthquake decision-making, such as building-tagging and seismic loss estimation. However, there are four aspects that can be improved. (1) Since the aftershock records from the back-to-back application are constructed from mainshock records, the link between the prestructural response by the mainshock and the poststructural response by the aftershock is eliminated. Thus, real MSAS records are desirable.(2) The post-EDP may be overestimated, when the back-to-back application of mainshock records is used for aftershock records with IDA. 13 (3) The computational cost of the back-to-back approach with IDA is high. 12 (4) An appropriate set of IMs and EDPs needs to be selected to represent the intensity of ground motions and structural responses, respectively. The spectral accel...