This review provides a composite account of the biological characteristics of the temperate 17 gonochoristic species of the Platycephalidae. Initially, data were obtained for the five abundant platycephalid 18 species in south-western Australia, which each came from either over bare substrata or seagrass and from either 19 estuaries, marine coastal waters or marine embayments. The von Bertalanffy growth curves for females and 20 males of each species differed significantly, with females having a greater TL ∞ and lower growth coefficient k. 21From tests using their upper deciles, the total length (TL) attained by the largest females of each species was 22 significantly greater than that of their males, whereas such a trend did not occur with age. The ratio of females to 23 males in each abundant age class, and overall, exceeded parity for four of the five species (typically P < 0.001) 24 and increased with increasing TL. Mortality estimates, which were similar for each sex of each species, suggest 25 that Platycephalus speculator has been substantially exploited in a seasonally-closed estuary in which it 26 completes its whole life cycle. The above and other biological data for the five species were collated with those 27 published previously for two of those species and five other platycephalid species in south-eastern Australia and 28 one in Japan and another in the Suez Canal, yielding the following conclusions for gonochoristic species of the 29 Platycephalidae. Females attain a larger size than males, the extent varying markedly among species, whereas the 30 longevities of the two sexes of each platycephalid species are similar. The maximum TLs and ages of the various 31 species range widely, with values for females, for example, extending from 221 mm for Ambiserrula jugosa to 32 985 mm for Platycephalus fuscus and from four years for A. jugosa to 26 years for Platycephalus conatus. The 33 overall ratio of females to males is positively related to the extent to which both the maximum TLs and TL ∞ s of 34 the females exceed those of males. The above trends imply that growth, rather than differences in longevity 35 and/or mortality, is the main factor contributing to the marked differences in sex ratios, which ranged widely 36 from parity to 3.2:1. As the length at maturity, but not typically age at maturity, was greater for females than 37 males, maturity is also related mainly to growth. The spawning periods of the various species overlapped, 38 commencing as early as late winter/early spring, as temperatures started rising with four species and later in late 39 spring/early summer with the three species found in estuaries, which would be advantageous as spawning in 40 estuaries would occur when environmental conditions are most favourable for spawning success and larval 41 retention. 42