Large analytic applications on road networks including simulations, logistics, location-based advertisement, and transportation planning require shortest distance/time methods that provide high throughput (i.e., distance/time computations per second). Our previous work discussed how to process graph distance computations in a PostgreSQL database on a large road network, e.g., 60K distance computations per second per machine, how to "scale out" by using a Spark cluster to achieve 73.8K distance computations per second per machine, and how to obtain a extremely high-throughput solution in memory for city-sized road networks, e.g., 6.7M distance computations per second. However, there is no solution that could achieve more than 1M throughput for large road networks. In an industrial setting, most state-of-the-art solutions yield 5K − 10K shortest distance computations per second per machine even with multi-threads. In this paper, we propose a new distance oracle system (DOS) for large road networks. It can solve most spatial analytic queries, and its throughput achieves 5M distance computations per second even on the whole USA road network. For example, a 10K × 10K origin-distance (OD) matrix can be computed in 20 seconds.