Abstract. Let G be a group of type E 8 over Q such that G R is a compact Lie group, let K be a field of characteristic 0, and q = −1, −1, −1, −1, −1 a 5-fold Pfister form. J-P. Serre posed in a letter to M. Rost written on June 23, 1999 the following problem: Is it true that G K is split if and only if q K is hyperbolic?In the present article we construct a cohomological invariant of degree 5 for groups of type E 8 with trivial Rost invariant over any field k of characteristic 0, and putting k = Q answer positively this question of Serre. Aside from that, we show that a variety which possesses a special correspondence of Rost is a norm variety.
IntroductionLet G be a group of type E 8 over Q such that G R is a compact Lie group. Let now K/Q be a field extension and q = −1, −1, −1, −1, −1 a 5-fold Pfister form. J-P. Serre posed in a letter to M. Rost written on June 23, 1999 the following problem:Is it true that G K is split if and only if q K is hyperbolic?M. Rost replied on July 2, 1999 proving that if q K is hyperbolic, then G K is split (see [GS10] for the proof). One of the goals of the present article is to give a positive answer to Serre's question (see Theorem 8.8).Let us recall first some recent developments in the topics which are relevant for the method of the proof of this result.1.1. Cohomological invariants. The study of cohomological invariants was initiated by J-P. Serre in the 90'ies. Serre conjectured the existence of an invariant in H 3 et (k, Q/Z(2)) of G-torsors, where G is a simply connected simple algebraic group over a field k. This invariant was constructed by M. Rost and is now called the Rost invariant of G (see [KMRT98,).Nowadays there exist numerous constructions and estimations of cohomological invariants for different classes of algebraic objects (see e.g. [GMS03]). Nevertheless, the most constructions of cohomological invariants rely on a specific construction of the object under consideration. Unfortunately, for many groups, like E 8 , there is no classification and no general construction so far.