As editor of the International Journal of Developmental Science (IJDS), I am very pleased that with this issue, contributions from the Workshop on Aggression are once again being published as a Special Issue. The Workshop on Aggression, which took place in Jena in 2022, was organised by Andreas Beelmann and his team. The current issue of the IJDS, guest edited together with Sebastian Lutterbach (Beelmann & Lutterbach, 2023), contains some very interesting contributions. I would like to thank the guest editors, the organising team and the many authors of this issue for their wonderful work! Previous issues of the IJDS have already published papers presented at the Workshop on Aggression in the form of a Special Issue or a Special Section, e.g. edited by Fandrem and Strohmeier (2020), Scheithauer et al. (2018a) or Bondü and Scheithauer (Scheithauer, 2019). The current issue now available here also has references to previous Special Issues in the IJDS, such as a Special Issue on Extremism and Radicalisation (Scheithauer et al., 2018b).As editor of the Journal, I am extremely pleased with the high-quality and interesting contributions and wish all readers of the Journal great pleasure in reading it. I also very much hope for further Special Issues on contributions to the upcoming Workshop on Aggression series.