In this study, we provide some classifications for half-conformally flat gradient f -almost Ricci solitons, denoted by (M, g, f ), in both Lorentzian and neutral signature. First, we prove that if ||∇f || is a non-zero constant, then (M, g, f ) is locally isometric to a warped product of the form I × ϕ N , where I ⊂ R and N is of constant sectional curvature. On the other hand, if ||∇f || = 0, then it is locally a Walker manifold. Then, we construct an example of 4-dimensional steady gradient f -almost Ricci solitons in neutral signature. At the end, we give more physical applications of gradient Ricci solitons endowed with the standard static spacetime metric.Keywords Ricci soliton · Gradient Ricci soliton · Gradient h-almost Ricci soliton · Half-conformally flat manifold · Walker manifold · Standard static spacetime metric Mathematics Subject Classification (2010) 53C21 · 53C50 · 53C25
IntroductionHamilton introduced the concept of the Ricci flow to prove the Poincare Conjecture in the late of 20th century [1]. Poincare Conjecture was one of the very deep unsolved problem which aims to classify all compact three dimensional manifolds. In the 1900's, Poincare asked if a simply-connected closed three manifold is necessarily the three sphere S 3 . For this purpose, Hamilton introduced the Ricci flow as a partial differential equation ∂g(t) ∂t = −2Ric(g(t)), which evolves the metric in a Riemannian manifold to make it rounder. By