We construct Hrushovski-Kazhdan style motivic integration in certain expansions of ACVF. Such an expansion is typically obtained by adding a full section or a cross-section from the RV-sort into the VF-sort and some (arbitrary) extra structure in the RV-sort. The construction of integration, that is, the inverse of the lifting map L, is rather straightforward. What is a bit surprising is that the kernel of L is still generated by one element, exactly as in the case of integration in ACVF. The overall construction is more or less parallel to the main construction of [10], as presented in [19,20]. As an application, we show uniform rationality of Igusa zeta functions for non-archimedean local fields with unbounded ramification degrees.Corollary 3.4. If U ⊆ RV n is a definable subset such that vrv(U ) is a singleton then U is L RV -definable.