The effect of the tumor promoter phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) upon the contractility of permeabilized cell models (cytoskeletons) of mouse fibroblasts was examined. Contraction was induced by incubation of cell models in a solution containing ATP and was assessed quantitatively by measuring alterations of the area of cell model projection on the substrate. Immunofluorescence microscopy was used to assess alterations ofcytoskeleton morphology in the course of permeabilization and contraction. It was found that contractility of cell models from PMA-treated fibroblasts was considerably diminished as compared with the models from control fibroblasts. ATP induced only local contraction of certain zones of actin cortex in models from PMA-treated fibroblasts; it did not induce general contraction, characteristic of control models. Normal high contractility was characteristic of the models from the cells preincubated with PMA in combination with Colcemid. PMA is a specific activator of protein kinase C, one of the key enzymes of the membrane signal-transduction pathway. It is suggested that protein kinase C regulates contractility of actin cortex and that the pathway of this regulation has a microtubule-dependent stage blocked by Colcemid.The tumor promoter phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), a phorbol ester that is a specific activator of protein kinase C (1), has been reported to induce various types of alterations of morphology, proliferation, and differentiation in cultured cells (2-6). In particular, PMA induces a special type of morphological alteration in certain lines of cultured fibroblasts: these cells are reversibly segregated into motile lamella-forming zones and nonmotile long "tail" processes (7). Experimental analysis of this effect gave us reason to suggest that shape changes are due to PMA-induced alterations of interrelationships between the microtubular system and actin cortex. Danowski and Harris (8,28) have shown that when cultured fibroblasts are spread on an elastic substrate, PMA decreases their ability to wrinkle this substrate; these data suggest that PMA can regulate the contractility of actin cortex.To study further functional alterations of actin cortex in PMA-treated fibroblasts we examined the effect of ATP on permeabilized preparations of cells (also called cell models or cytoskeletons) from differently treated cultured fibroblasts. These "cell models" have their cytoskeletal structures largely exposed to the external environment. When models are incubated with ATP in the appropriate buffer solution they contract; this contraction is probably due to the actinmyosin interactions within their cortices (9-12).We have found that ATP contractility of models of PMAtreated cells was much weaker than that of the models of control cells. This inhibition of contractility was prevented by Colcemid: cytoskeletons of cells treated by PMA after incubation with Colcemid contracted in ATP solution as readily as did the cytoskeletons of controls.These experiments indicate that protein ...