IntroductionLet : X ! Y be a proper morphism with connected bers from a smooth projective variety X onto a normal variety Y , that is, a contraction. If ÀK X is -ample, then is said to be an extremal contraction and if moreover PicðXÞ= Ã ðPicðY ÞÞ ' Z then is said to be an elementary extremal contraction or a Fano --Mori contraction. Usually contractions are divided into two types: birational and of ber type, that is, with dimðXÞ > dimðY Þ.The importance of this study and the parallel development of the notion of extremal ray and of the possible contractions of these rays was established by Mori in [18]. In dimension 2 and over an arbitrary eld only three types of Fano --Mori contractions exist: the inverse of the blow-up of a reduced and geometrically irreducible set of points dened over the eld (birational), conic bundle structure and del Pezzo surfaces (of ber type) and this classication is essentially equivalent to the theory of minimal models in dimension 2. In dimension 3 the theory is more delicate but there is a complete description for algebraically closed elds given by Mori in characteristic zero and by Koll a ar for arbitrary algebraically closed elds; see for example [17, Theorem 1.32] or [18]. The common feature of extremal elementary contractions in dimension 3 (and 2) is that if E X is the exceptional locus of the contraction, that is, the locus of positive-dimensional bers, then jE : E ! ðEÞ Y is equidimensional. Moreover, in the birational case (and over an algebraically closed eld) these contractions are always the inverse of the blow-up of a (possibly singular) point or of a smooth curve; see loc. cit.In dimension greater than 3 the situation is more complicated as is shown by simple examples and no general result is known. Here we furnish some examples of Fano --Mori contractions : X ! Y between smooth projective varieties with dimðXÞ > 4 dened over 'suciently' small elds and in arbitrary characteristic, having some exceptional bers of unexpected dimension. All these contractions come from classical projective geometry, or more precisely they are associated to the projective geometry of remarkable classes of varieties: varieties with one apparent double, triple, quadruple point or varieties dening special Cremona transformations. Surely many examples of the phenomenon of non-equidimensionality of the bers of jE have been constructed and are well known at least in characteristic zero or over algebraically closed elds (see for example [8, p. 35] or [17, p. 44], and also [2] or [3]).In the examples presented below the accent is on the geometric nature of these constructions and on the close relations with classical results. Moreover, they are also the rst instances, from a historical point of view, of a class of morphisms with isolated exceptional bers, a phenomenon studied in detail, in a local setting, in [2,3]. In these last two papers some examples of these phenomena were constructed over the complex eld by using vector bundles and geometrical constructions. In x 2 we construct interesting ...