The content of237Np,239,240Pu, and241Am in seawater, suspended matter, and bottom sediment cores of the Ussuri and Amur Bays, sampled in July 2021 and August 2022, was analyzed. The activity concentrations of237Np,239,240Pu, and241Am in the water of Peter the Great Bay were determined for the first time and were found to be equal to (19–105) × 10–3, 2.0–5.3, and 24.1–33.5 mBq/m3, respectively. The activity concentrations as well as the239Pu/240Pu isotope ratio (~0.18) in the bottom sediments definitely indicate that global fallout is the main source of plutonium in the investigated territory. The sedimentation rates were determined for the Amur Bay (in the Razdolnaya River estuary), 0.9 mm/year, and for the Ussuri Bay, 4.1 mm/year. Actinide transfer coefficients were determined for Peter the Great Bay in the system dissolved forms, including colloids–suspended matter–bottom sediment.