Currently, it is clear that the luxS gene has an impact on the process of bio lm formation in Campylobacter jejuni. However, even within the species naturally occurring strains of Campylobacter lacking the luxS gene exist, which can form bio lms. In order to better understand the genetic determinants and the role of quorum sensing through the LuxS/AI-2 pathway in bio lm formation, a set of mutant/complemented strains of C. jejuni 81-176 were prepared. Additionally, the impact of the mutagenic strategy used against the luxS gene was investigated. Bio lm formation was affected by both the presence and absence of the luxS gene, and by the mutagenic strategy used. Analysis by CLSM showed that all mutant strains formed signi cantly less bio lm mass when compared to the wild-type. Interestingly, the deletion mutant (∆luxS) showed a larger decrease in bio lm mass than the substitution (•luxS) and insertional inactivated ( luxS) mutants, even though all the mutant strains lost the ability to produce autoinducer-2 molecules. Moreover, the bio lm of the ∆luxS mutant lacked the characteristic microcolonies observed in all other strains. The complementation of all mutant strains resulted in restored ability to produce AI-2, to form a complex bio lm, and to develop microcolonies at the level of the wild-type.