“…Diagnosis: Forewing with a subapical fuscous cloud; first metasomal tergum not angled at based; clypeus about as wide as long (29:30); in female lateral margin of clypeus along inner eye margin as long as malar space; propodeum without lateral edges; apical tarsus almost black; propodeum with weak striations and shallow median groove; anal lobe of hind wing separated from the rest of the wing membrane by a wide gap; body narrow, reddish-brown with predominant yellow bands or marks. Distribution: India, Vietnam (Das & Gupta, 1989;Nguyen & Carpenter, 2016) Distribution: India, Myanmar, Borneo, Malay Peninsula, Vietnam, Java (Das & Gupta, 1989;, new record for Bhutan. Distribution: India, Nepal, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Indochina, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Sarawak, Indonesia, Kalimantan, China, (Das & Gupta, 1989;Pham, 2014; structor and Dolichovespula lama.…”