In order to maintain its turgor pressure at a desired homeostatic level, budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae responds to the external variation of the osmotic pressure by varying its internal osmotic pressure through regulation of synthesis and transport of the intracellular glycerol. Hog1PP (dually phosphorylated Hog1), a final effector in the signalling pathway of the hyper osmotic stress, regulates the glycerol synthesis both at transcriptional and non-transcriptional stages. It is known that for a step-change in salt concentration leading to moderate osmotic shock, Hog1PP activity shows a transient response before it returns to the vicinity of pre-stimulus level. It is believed that an integrating process in a negative feedback loop can be a design strategy to yield such an adaptive response. Several negative feedback loops have been identified in the osmoadaptation system in yeast. However, the precise location of the integrating process in the osmoadaptation system which includes signalling, gene regulation, metabolism and biophysical modules is unclear. To address this issue, we developed a reduced model which captures various experimental observations of the osmoadaptation behaviour of wild type and mutant strains. Dynamic simulations and steady state analysis suggested that known information about the osmoadaptation system of budding yeast does not necessarily give a perfect integrating process through the known feedback loops of Hog1PP. On the other hand, regulation of glycerol synthesising enzyme degradation can result in a near integrating process leading to a near-perfect adaptation.