small (<5 nm diameter) nanoparticles (NPs) have shown improved in vivo biocompatibility compared to that of larger (>10
nm) NPs. However, the fate of small NPs under physiological conditions
is poorly understood and remains unexplored. Here, the long-term aggregation
behavior of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) exposed to serum proteins in
a near-physiological setup is studied using continuous photon correlation
spectroscopy and computer simulations. It is found that the medium,
temperature, and NP concentration affect the aggregation of AuNPs,
but the observed aggregates are much smaller than previously reported.
Simulations show that a single layer of albumin is deposited on the
NP surface, but the properties of the aggregates (size, shape, and
internal structure) depend critically on the charge distribution on
the proteins, which changes with the conditions of the solution. These
results explain the seemingly conflicting data reported in the literature
regarding the size of aggregates and the morphology of the albumin
corona. The simulations suggest that controlling the concentration
of NPs as well as the pH and ionic strength of the solution prior
to intravenous administration may help to preserve properties of the
functionalized NPs in the bloodstream.