The tremor rat is an autosomal recessive mutant exhibiting sterility
with gonadal hypoplasia in both sexes. The causative mutation tremor
(tm) is known as a genomic deletion spanning >200 kb in Chr 10q24.
Spermatogenesis associated 22 (Spata22) has been shown
to be a vertebrate-specific gene essential for the progression of meiosis through prophase
I and completion of chromosome synapsis and meiotic recombination using a mouse
repro42 mutant carrying an
N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU)-induced nonsense mutation in
Spata22. In this study, we show that Spata22 was
identified as the gene responsible for the failure of gametogenesis to progress beyond
meiosis I in tm homozygous rats by a transgenic rescue experiment.
Meiosis was arrested during prophase I in the mutant testis. Precise mapping of the
breakage point revealed that the deleted genomic region spanned approximately 240 kb and
comprised at least 13 genes, including Spata22. Rat
Spata22 was predominantly expressed in the testis, and its
transcription increased with the first wave of spermatogenesis, as seen in the mouse
ortholog. These results suggest that Spata22 may play an important role
in meiotic prophase I in rats, as seen in mice, and that the tm
homozygous rat may be useful for investigating the physiological function of
Spata22, as an experimental system for clarifying the effect of a null
mutation, and may be an animal model for studying the pathogenesis and treatment of
infertility caused by impaired meiosis.