Bacillus anthracis was isolated and identified from a bacterial collection of samples from the Amazon river bank. Type II restriction endonuclease activity was detected in this prokaryote, the enzyme was purified, the molecular mass of the native protein estimated by gel filtration, and optima pH, temperature and salt requirements were determined. Quality control assays showed complete absence of 'nonspecific nucleases'. Restriction cleavage analysis and DNA sequencing of restriction fragments allowed unequivocal demonstration of 5P-GGsCC-3P as the recognition sequence. This enzyme was named BanAI and is therefore an isoschizomer of the prototype restriction endonuclease HaeIII. This is the first report of a type II restriction endonuclease identified, purified from a natural isolate of B. anthracis. ß (J.M. Chies).
FEMS Microbiology Letters 215 (2002) 97^