Magnetization measurements under hydrostatic pressure up to 10.5 kbar in zirconium dodecaboride ZrB12 superconductor (Tc ≃ 6.0 K at p = 0) were carried out. A negative pressure effect on Tc with dTc/dp = −0.0225(3) K/kbar was observed. The electron-phonon coupling constant λ el−ph decreases with increasing pressure with d ln λ el−ph /dp ≃ −0.20%/kbar. The magnetic field penetration depth λ was studied in the Meissner state and, therefore, probes only the surface of the sample. The absolute values of λ and the superconducting energy gap at ambient pressure and zero temperature were found to be λ(0) =140(30) nm and ∆0 =1.251(9) meV, respectively. ∆0 scales linearly with Tc as 2∆0/kBTc = 4.79(1). The studies of the pressure effect on λ reveal that λ −2 increases with pressure with d ln λ −2 (0)/dp = 0.60(23) %/kbar. This effect can not be explained within the framework of conventional adiabatic electron-phonon pairing, suggesting that close to the surface, an unconventional non-adiabatic character of the electron-phonon coupling takes place.PACS numbers: 74.70. Ad, 74.62.Fj, 74.25.Ha, 83.80.Fg The traditional concept of superconductivity is strictly associated with the electron-phonon interaction. The conventional theory is based on the Migdal-Eliashberg adiabatic approximation [1] that, in fact, leads to the prediction of many peculiar features which are a direct evidence of a phonon mediated superconductivity. The adiabatic approximation is valid if the parameter ω 0 /E f is small (ω 0 is the relevant phonon frequency and E f is the Fermi energy). Usually this parameter is regarded as a measure of nonadibaticity. However, crossover from a conventional adiabatic to an unconventional nonadiabatic regime does not depend only on the value of the ω 0 /E f ratio. Paci et al. [8] show that even in a case of small "adiabatic" ratio one would expect the nonadiabatic coupling in superconductors having high value of the electron-phonon coupling constant λ el−ph . Among BCS superconductors the zirconium dodecaboride (ZrB 12 ) is probably a candidate for the observation of such type of anomalous coupling. It stems from the rather small value of the Fermi energy ∼1 eV [3] that, together with the Debye temperature ∼20 meV [4], leads to a ratio ω 0 /E f ∼0.02. A strong coupling ratio 2∆/k B T c ≃ 4.8 was observed by surface sensitive techniques [3,6]. This suggests that the electron-phonon coupling constant, which has a bulk value λ el−ph ≃ 0.67 [3], increases at the surface. From the comparison with strong coupled metallic superconductors [7] one would expect λ surf.el−ph ≃ 1.7 − 1.9. Moreover, it was pointed out by Cappelluti et al.[2] that nonadiabatic character can be further enhanced by low charge carrier density, that is the case for ZrB 12 [4,5].One of the key feature of nonadiabatic superconductivity is the observation of unconventional isotope and pressure effects on the magnetic field penetration depth λ. Note, that in adiabatic superconductors (or in the superconductors where the nonadiabatic effects are small) the...