We have measured the heat capacity of liquid 3 He in silver sinter at pressures from 0 MPa up to 3.31 MPa and in the temperature range from about 1 up to 28 mK. The heat capacity in the normal fluid is found to be the sum of the heat capacity of bulk normal fluid and a temperature-independent heat capacity ⌬C due to amorphous solid layers on the silver sinter surface, where ⌬Cϭ7.3Ϯ6.8 J K Ϫ1 m Ϫ2 corresponds to 1Ϯ1 amorphous solid layers. This value is in rough agreement with other results, including solid 3 He and 3 He adsorbed on Vycor and silver sinter, and differs from the value for liquid 3 He in silver sinter reported by Schrenk and König. Our result indicates that the amorphous solid layers on a large surface area yield a universal ⌬C in unit area throughout liquid, solid, and adsorbed 3 He in contact with a large surface. The superfluid transition temperature of the liquid 3 He in the silver sinter is in good agreement with the theory of Kjäldman and Kurkijärvi when taking the pore diameter to be 3400 Å, and our observations differ from the results of Schrenk and König.