For use in th e co mputa ti on of th er modyna mi c fun c ti ons. a nal yti cal descriptions are give n for th e foll ow in g pro pe rti es : th e o rth oba ri c de ns iti es a nd satura ti on te mpe ra tures; th e hea ts of va po riza tio n ; th e spec ifi c heats of sat ura ted li q ui d ; a nd th e th e rm od yna mi c fu nctio ns fo r id ea l gas states.Ke y wo rd s: Hea ts of va pori za tio n; me th a ne: orth oba ric de nsiti es; s pec ifi c hea ts of th e sa tura te d li q ui d ; th e rm ofun c tions for id ea l gas s tates ; th e rm op hys ica l pro perti es.
List of Symbols, inve rse normal te mp. , Subscripts c and t refe r to c ritical and liquid triple ori gin a t Te E/X, a n argument in eq (8) points.w ,T/400, reduced te mpera ture for eq (8) fun ction of CO', de fin ed on fi gure 5Subscripts g and l refer to va por and liquid in x, equilibrium.constant coe fficie nts consta nt coe fficients an e xpon ent , 0.36 molal heat capacity a t co ns ta nt volum e molal heat capacity a t con s ta nt press ure molal heat cap acity of satura ted liquid molal density any rela tive deviation , (Y/Yca lc-I) the internal en ergy expone nt in va rious expressions the enthalpy the joule co nversion fa ctor, 101.325 J/l-atm ) the liter, 1000 cm 3 16.042 grams of methane pressure, 1 atm = 101325N/m 2 (EO -E8) /RT , internal energy fun ction heat absorbed in a reve rsible change of state the gas constant, 8.3143 J/(mol-K), [26] (1 -T) , reduced te mpe rature with origin a t Te.The n umber of digits, give n for coe fficie nts in the e mpiri cal fun c tions of this report, is c hosen to yield calcula ted res ults h avin g a t least the same number of figures as exi s t in the d ata to be d escribed.