Contrary to the expectations from classic theories of ion solvation, spectroscopy and computer simulations of the liquid-vapor interface of aqueous electrolyte solutions suggest that ions little larger than a water molecule can prefer to reside near the liquid's surface. Here we advance the view that such affinity originates in a competition between strong opposing forces, primarily due to volume exclusion and dielectric polarization, that are common to all dense polar liquids. We present evidence for this generic mechanism from computer simulations of (i) water and (ii) a Stockmayer fluid near its triple point. In both cases, we show that strong surface enhancement of small ions, obtained by tuning solutes' size and charge, can be accentuated or suppressed by modest changes in either of those parameters. Statistics of solvent polarization, when the ion is held at and above the Gibbs dividing surface, highlight a basic deficiency in conventional models of dielectric response, namely, the neglect of interfacial flexibility. By distorting the solution's boundary, an ion experiences fluctuations in electrostatic potential and in electric field whose magnitudes attenuate much more gradually (as the ion is removed from the liquid phase) than for a quiescent planar interface. As one consequence, the collective responses that determine free energies of solvation can resolve very differently in nonuniform environments than in bulk. We show that this persistence of electric-field fluctuations additionally shapes the sensitivity of solute distributions to ion polarizability. dielectric continuum ͉ ion solvation ͉ liquid-vapor interface ͉ polarizability ͉ water S imple salts dissolve in water because the electrostatic reaction fields induced by separated ions in solution provide greatly favorable energies, more than sufficient to offset intrinsic costs of dissociation. These substantial solvation energies are captured with remarkable accuracy by simple linear response models for solvent polarization, for instance dielectric continuum theory (DCT) (1). Molecular simulations of bulk solutions further indicate that the presumption of Gaussian-distributed polarization fluctuations underlying these theories is appropriate even on microscopic scales (2). Based on these facts, one might expect small ions (little larger than a water molecule) to avoid interfaces with lower dielectric media, such as vapor, as predicted by straightforward DCT calculations. Surprisingly, a large body of computational work (pioneered by Jungwirth and Tobias) (refs. 3 and 4 and references therein, 5-9) and many experiments (10, ref. 11 and references therein, 12-14) suggest that certain small ions are in fact more concentrated near the liquid-vapor interface than in bulk aqueous solution. This counterintuitive phenomenon not only challenges the textbook understanding of ion solvation in polar liquids but also bears importantly on a wide range of important molecular processes, e.g., formation of sea salt aerosols and subsequent halogen-release mechani...