How does the ability to imagine detailed future experiences (i.e., episodic prospection) contribute to choices between immediate and delayed rewards? Individuals with amnesia do not show abnormally steep discounting in intertemporal choice, suggesting that neither medial temporal lobe (MTL) integrity nor episodic prospection is required for the valuation of future rewards (Kwan et al. (), Hippocampus, 22:1215-1219; Kwan et al. (2013), J Exp Psychol, 142:1355-1369 2013). However, hippocampally mediated episodic prospection in healthy adults reduces the discounting of future rewards (Peters and Büchel (2010), Neuron, 66:138-148; Benoit et al. (2011), J Neurosci, 31:6771-6779), raising the possibility that MTL damage causes more subtle impairments to this form of decision-making than noted in previous patient studies. Intertemporal choice appears normal in amnesic populations, yet they may be unable to use episodic prospection to adaptively modulate the value assigned to future rewards. To investigate how the extended hippocampal system, including the hippocampus and related MTL structures, contributes to the valuation of future rewards, we compared the performance of six amnesic cases with impaired episodic prospection to that of 20 control participants on two versions of an intertemporal choice task: a standard discounting task, and a cued version in which cues prompted them to imagine specific personal future events temporally contiguous with the receipt of delayed rewards. Amnesic individuals' intertemporal choices in the standard condition were indistinguishable from those of controls, replicating previous findings. Surprisingly, performance of the amnesic cases in the cued condition indicates that amnesia does not preclude flexible modulation of choices in response to future event cues, even in the absence of episodic prospection. Cueing the personal future to modulate decisions appears to constitute a less demanding or a qualitatively different (e.g., personal semantic) form of prospection that is not as sensitive to MTL damage as prospective narrative generation.