The synthesis, purification and analysis of three tritiated neuropeptides are described. Org 2766 (an ACTH (4-9) analogue) and Org G K 78 (des-Tyr-y-endorphin) were labelled in the aromatic ring of phenylalanine by catalytic deiodination of the (p-iodopheny1)alanine precursors using 3H,. Org 5878 (des-enkephalin-y-endorphin) was labelled in the lysine residue by reduction of the ~-2,6-diamino-4-hexynoic acid-containing analogue with 3H,. The peptides were purified by preparative HPLC using ammonium acetate buffer systems. The chemical purity was determined by ' H NMR, the radiochemical purity was measured by HPLC and the 3H distribution by 3H NMR. Specific activities (as determined by HPLC) were ca. 900 GBq.mmol-' for Org 2766 and Org G K 78 and 1400 GBq mmol-' for Org 5878.
(1981).phosphate (pH 3)/methanol (65/35, v/v) or on LiChrosorb 10 NH, using a gradient of 0.01 M NH,OAc (pH 4.8) containing We are grateful to Dr. J. van Nispen and Drs. H. Greven for stimulating discussions and we wish to thank Mr. J. Thio for helpful technical assistance in the HPLC experiments.