The use of dynamic conversion systems to convert the heat generated in a 7500 W(t) 90 Sr rr.dioi sotopi c heat source to electricity is examined. The systems studied were Stirling; Brayton Cycle; three organic Rankines (ORCs) (Barber-Nichols/ORMAT, Sundstrand, and TRW); and an organic Rankine plus thermoelectrics. The systems were ranked for a North Warning System mission using a Los Alamos Multiattribute Decision Theory code. Three different heat source designs were used: case I wi th a beginning of life (BOL) source temperature of 640 C, case II with a BOL source temperature of 745°C, and case III with a BOL source temperature of 945°C. The Stirling engine system was the top-ranked system of cases I and II, closely followed by the ORC systems in case I and ORC plus thermoelectrics in case II. The Brayton cycle system was top-ranked for case III, with the Stirling engine system a close second. The use of 238 Pu in heat source sizes of 7500 W(t) was examined and found to be questionable because of cost and material availability and because of additional requirements for analysis of safeguards and critical mass. 810 kW(t) of low concentration Sr material to be usable.