Starfish oocytes are naturally arrested in the late G, phase of the first meiotic division. The follicle-cell-derived hormone, 1 -methyladenine, is responsible for highly synchroneous induction of oocyte maturation. A series of systematically modified 1-methyladenine analogues was used to map the essential molecular interactions between 1 -methyladenine and its stereospecific receptors, which are localized on the oocyte plasma membrane. The earlier hypothesis about structure/activity relationships has been confirmed. Quantum-chemical calculations indicated additional dipole -dipole interactions and presumably a charge-transfer interaction, with the nucleobase as n-electron donor. Among the 49 compounds tested, a series of novel inhibitors of 1-methyladenine-induced maturation was found. With the synthesis of 8-dimethylamino-1 -methyladenine (concentration for 50 % inhibition 1 pM), a very potent antagonist of the natural hormone was obtained which may become an important tool for investigating the mechanism of 1-methyladenine-induced maturation of the starfish oocytes, an important model for cell-cycle-control studies. The results are discussed in the context of preexisting biological data. In conclusion, we propose a modified model of the molecular interactions between 1-methyladenine and its receptor.Full grown starfish oocytes are arrested at the germinal vesicle stage during prophase of the first meiotic division. They resume meiosis when exposed to the natural hormone 1-methyladenine [l] which is produced by the follicle cells under the influence of a hormonal peptide of neural origin [2-41. Upon stimulation by 1-methyladenine, the oocytes undergo many morphological, biochemical, and physiological changes (for review see [5]).By their high synchrony and very rapid G,/M transition triggered by 1-methyladenine, starfish oocytes have become a major model to investigate the intracellular mechanisms which control the cell &vision cycle [6, 71. Nevertheless the pathway through which 1 -methyladenine leads to the activation of the P3kdc2/cy~lin WdCt3 kinase is largely unknown. It has been demonstrated [8 -101 that 1 -methyladenine controls meiosis by interacting with stereospecific receptors localized exclusively on the oocyte plasma membrane. From studies of structure/activity relationships [ 11 -131 for 1 -methyladenine analogues, it has been concluded that a lipophilic substituent on N-1, an amino group in the 6-position and a cationic charge are prerequisites for inducing activity. Any substitution in the 7-or 9-positions or a bulky 8-substituent is Abbreviations. CaFASW, calcium-free artificial sea-water; EGO, concentration for inducing SO% oocyte maturation; IC,,, dose for 50 % inhibition of 1 -methyladenine-induced maturation ; K$, relative lipophilicity ; HOMO, highest occupied molecular orbital ; LUMO, lowest unoccupied molecular orbital ; FAB-MS, fast-atom-bombardement mass spectroscopy ; (2H,)Me, SO, deuterated dimethylsulfoxide. detrimental to the interaction between the hormone and its receptor.Th...