Objective: To identify the therapeutic options available for treatment of cognitive and behavioral symptoms in frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Method: Systematic review using the descriptors "frontotemporal lobar degeneration" OR "frontotemporal dementia" OR "fronto-temporal dementia" OR "fronto-temporal degeneration" OR "Pick's disease" OR "Pick's atrophy" OR "semantic dementia" OR "progressive aphasia" AND "pharmacotherapy" OR "treatment" OR "efficacy" OR "effects" OR "management" was performed in the Medline and Lilacs databases. Selection criteria: Quality A -randomized clinical trials. Quality Bopen studies or reports of six or more cases. Quality C -reports of five or fewer cases. Two reviewers independently assessed the clinical studies. Information collected included diagnostic criteria used, sample size, duration, efficacy and tolerability measures used and results obtained. Results: From the 532 studies found, 29 complied with the inclusion criteria. All studies worked with a small sample, had short duration of treatment and used non-uniform measures in evaluating efficacy and tolerability. Studies showed disparate results with respect to behavior and cognition. Conclusion: There is still little, and poor, evidence available for treatment of frontotemporal lobar degeneration and studies with better methodological background are needed.
IntroductionThe clinical syndromes related to frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) are the second most common cause of pre-senile primary dementia. 1 A recent Brazilian epidemiological study found a dementia prevalence of 7.1% in individuals over