The spectrum of a finite group is the set of its element orders. Two groups are isospectral whenever they have the same spectra. We consider the classes of finite groups isospectral to the simple symplectic and orthogonal groups B 3 (q), C 3 (q), and D 4 (q). We prove that in the case of even characteristic and q > 2 these groups can be reconstructed from their spectra up to isomorphisms. In the case of odd characteristic we obtain a restriction on the composition structure of groups of this class.Keywords: finite group, simple symplectic and orthogonal groups, spectrum of a group, recognition by spectrum Consider a finite group G. The spectrum of ω(G) is the set of the element orders of G. It is not difficult to observe that the spectrum of a group is completely determined by the set μ(G) consisting of all divisibility-maximal elements of ω(G). Two groups are isospectral if their spectra coincide. We say that G is recognizable (by spectrum) if every group with the same spectrum as G is isomorphic to G.Given a group G, denote by h(G) the number of the isomorphism classes of the groups isospectral to G. Therefore, the recognizable groups are precisely G with h(G) = 1. Call a group G almost recognizable (by spectrum)Since every finite group with a nontrivial solvable normal subgroup is unrecognizable (see Lemma 1 of [1] for instance), the question of finding h(G) is interesting mainly when G is a simple or almost simple group (a group G is called almost simple whenever L ≤ G ≤ Aut(L) for some nonabelian simple group L). The most complete survey is [1] of groups for which this question is answered. In particular, the survey indicates that ω(D 4 (2)) = ω(B 3 (2)) and h(D 4 (2)) = h(B 3 (2)) = 2 (see [2]). In addition, C 3 (3) is recognizable (see [3]), while D 4 (3) and B 3 (3) are isospectral; furthermore, h(D 4 (3)) = 2 (see [2]). The main result of [4] implies that C 3 (4) and D 4 (4) are recognizable groups.This article is devoted to studying recognition for B 3 (q), C 3 (q), and D 4 (q). Namely, we prove Theorem 1. Suppose that L is one of the simple groups B 3 (q), C 3 (q), or D 4 (q), where q is a power of a prime p and q ≥ 5. If S is a composition factor of a finite group isospectral to L and S is isomorphic to a group of Lie type over a field of characteristic p then S ∈ {B 3 (q), C 3 (q), D 4 (q)}.Recall that B 3 (q) and C 3 (q) are isomorphic for even q.Theorem 2. C 3 (q) and D 4 (q) are recognizable by spectrum for even q > 2. If q = 2 then C 3 (2) and D 4 (2) are isospectral, and h(C 3 (2)) = 2.