MSC: 05C20 05C50 05C76 15A18Keywords: Graphs Incidence matrix (−1, 0, 1)-vertex-edge incidence matrix Line graph Laplacian matrix Signless Laplacian matrix Energy This paper deals with the notions of 0-incidence and 1-incidence between edges on a directed graph associated to the line graph of a graph. The Laplacian energy and the signless Laplacian energy are obtained in a new way. From these results a relation between both energies is derived. Moreover, we obtain lower bounds for both the largest Laplacian eigenvalue and the largest signless Laplacian eigenvalue and prove that the latter is strictly greater than the first one.© 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Notation and preliminariesBy an (n, m)-graph G = (V(G), E(G)), for short G = (V, E), we mean an undirected simple graph on |V| = n vertices and |E| = m edges. If u ∈ V is an end vertex of e ∈ E we say that u incides on e. (M.A.A. de Freitas), (A.S. Bonifácio), (M. Robbiano), (B. San Martín).