The ultraviolet abso rp tion spectra of 4-chloro-4'-aminodiphenylsulfone has been determin ed . The d issociation m ay be considered as the acidic dissociation of the ammonium ion which is form ed with t he a ddition to the base of hyd rogen ion from an acid s uch as hydrochloric acid. Spectrophotometric m easurements of sevcral concentrations of 4-chloro-4'-aminodiphenylsulfon e at variolls known h ydrogen-ion concentrations were made at 25° C, from which t he values pK., based upon the concentrations, were determined. From these, the value of pKa was derived. At 25° C, pKa is 1.38, which corresponds to a value of 0.042 mole per li ter for K a. The activity coefficient terms may be expressed simply as a linear function of the ionic strength . Spectrophotometric m casurem e nts were a lso made at 15°, 20°, 25°,30°, and 35° C on certain solu tions in order to calculate the h eat of d issociation. It was found to be 21,000 joules deg-I mole-I. The basic di~soc i ation co nstant, l( b, i~ 2.4 X 10-13, or pKb is 12.62 .