Efficient schemes for databasing emission and absorption coefficients are developed to model radiation from hypersonic nonequilibrium flows. For bound-bound transitions, spectral information including the line-center wavelength and emission and absorption coefficients is stored for typical air plasma species. Since the flow is nonequilibrium, a rate equation approach including both collisional and radiatively induced transitions is used to calculate the electronic state populations, assuming quasi steady state. The general Voigt line-shape function is assumed for modeling the line-broadening. The accuracy and efficiency of the databasing scheme was examined by comparing results of the databasing scheme with those of NEQAIR for the Stardust flowfield. An accuracy of approximately 1% was achieved with an efficiency about three times faster than the NEQAIR code. Nomenclature A = Einstein coefficient for spontaneous emission, s 1 Ac; i = Einstein coefficient for spontaneous emission from continuum state to state i, cm 3 s 1 Ai; c = Einstein coefficient for photoionization from state i to continuum state, s 1 Ai; j = Einstein coefficient for spontaneous emission from state i to state j, s 1 a 0 = Bohr radius, 5:29167 10 9 cm B = Einstein coefficient for stimulated emission and absorption, cm 3 -m=J-s B V U = rotational constant, cm 1 b = exponent C, D = vector assembled by excitation rate coefficients of atom C m , D m = vector assembled by excitation and dissociation rate coefficients of molecule c = speed of light, 2:9979 10 10 cm s 1 D w = Doppler line half-width, cm d = parameter in the Voigt width [Eq. (34)] d ff = correction factor for free-free radiation E i = electronic term energy for atomic level i, cm 1 E k = kinetic energy of free electron, cm 1 E emis = total emission energy, W=cm 3 E 1 = ionization energy of an atom, cm 1 e = electron charge, 4:8030 10 10 statC F = rotational term energy for a molecule, cm 1 F i = assembled collisional and radiative coefficient of electronic state i G = vibrational term energy for a molecule, cm 1 GF = Gaunt factor for bound-free radiation G i = assembled collisional and radiative coefficient of electronic state i g = degeneracy H = data points of electron number density and electron temperature h = Planck's constant, 6:6262 10 34 Js J = rotational quantum number j = data point index Kc; i = recombination rate coefficient of collisional transition from continuum state to state i, cm 6 s 1 Ki; c = excitation rate coefficient of collisional transition from state i to continuum state, cm 3 s 1 K Wi = heavy-particle-induced recombination rate coefficient, cm 3 s 1 K W i; j = heavy-particle-induced molecular excitation rate coefficient from state i to state j, cm 3 s 1 K e i; j = excitation rate coefficient of collisional transition from state i to state j by electron impact, cm 3 s 1 K e ci = electron-induced recombination rate coefficient, cm 3 s 1 k = Boltzmann's constant, 1:3806 10 23 JK 1 l = number of electronic states for bound-free transition l m = number of electroni...