In this paper, we investigate the sample size requirement for exact recovery of a high order tensor of low rank from a subset of its entries. We show that a gradient descent algorithm with initial value obtained from a spectral method can, in particular, reconstruct a d × d × d tensor of multilinear ranks (r, r, r) with high probability from as few as O(r 7/2 d 3/2 log 7/2 d + r 7 d log 6 d) entries. In the case when the ranks r = O(1), our sample size requirement matches those for nuclear norm minimization (Yuan and Zhang, 2016a), or alternating least squares assuming orthogonal decomposability (Jain and Oh, 2014). Unlike these earlier approaches, however, our method is efficient to compute, easy to implement, and does not impose extra structures on the tensor. Numerical results are presented to further demonstrate the merits of the proposed approach.