Let Ω − and Ω + be two bounded smooth domains in R n , n ≥ 2, separated by a hypersurface Σ. For µ > 0, consider the function h µ = 1 Ω− − µ1 Ω+ . We discuss self-adjoint realizations of the operator L µ = −∇ · h µ ∇ in L 2 (Ω − ∪ Ω + ) with the Dirichlet condition at the exterior boundary. We show that L µ is always essentially self-adjoint on the natural domain (corresponding to transmission-type boundary conditions at the interface Σ) and study some properties of its unique self-adjoint extension L µ := L µ . If µ = 1, then L µ simply coincides with L µ and has compact resolvent. If n = 2, then L 1 has a non-empty essential spectrum, σ ess (L 1 ) = {0}. If n ≥ 3, the spectral properties of L 1 depend on the geometry of Σ. In particular, it has compact resolvent if Σ is the union of disjoint strictly convex hypersurfaces, but can have a non-empty essential spectrum if a part of Σ is flat. Our construction features the method of boundary triplets, and the problem is reduced to finding the self-adjoint extensions of a pseudodifferential operator on Σ. We discuss some links between the resulting self-adjoint operator L µ and some effects observed in negativeindex materials.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 35J05, 47A10, 47B25, 47G30.