“…Atkinson, Chapman, and Krause (17) investigated the spectra of potassium and rubidium emitted from such lamps, with particular attention to the effect of the operating parameters on the intensities, half-widths, and selfreversals of the lines. The use of electrodeless lamps in atomic absorption analysis was studied by Ivanov et al Bodretsova, L'vov, and Mosichev (51) powered a hollow-cathode lamp from a high-frequency supply and found an intensity gain of about two orders of magnitude as compared to lamps excited with dc power, with no increase in selfabsorption. The effect of a microwave field on emission of sodium in a hydrogen-oxygen flame was reported by Rosenthal and Eyer (518), who also found an intensity increase by two orders of magnitude even though the microwave power, at 2.5 GHz, was estimated to be only about 4/s the thermal energy of the flame.…”