The research is devoted to the study of information in complex networks, namely: calculation of statistical characteristics and cluster analysis of data. Special software (crawler) was developed for direct data collection from the web space. In addition, a new structure of information technology has been developed for the collection, processing, and storage of large volumes of data collected from the web space. With the help of this structure, statistical characteristics of different segments of the web space (Ukrainian –, Polish – and Israeli – are studied and their cluster structure is studied. The study of the cluster structure of web space zones was carried out using the spectral clustering algorithm of РІС (Rower iteration clustering). The results of the search for the optimal number of clusters using the "elbow" method and the k-Core decomposition method are presented, graphs illustrating the cluster structure of the investigated subnets are drawn. The paper also proposes a new approach to solving the problem of clustering and finding the optimal number of clusters when clustering objects are given by unstructured data (graphs) based on the spectral analysis of the stochastic matrix of the given graph. On this basis, a new method developed by the authors for determining the optimal number of clusters is proposed. Model examples are given and testing of the new method based on Monte Carlo simulation is performed. The optimal number of clusters was found by four methods: the "elbow" method, the k-core decomposition method, the silhouette method, and a new method developed by the authors. A conclusion is made concerning the accuracy of the developed new method, its advantages and disadvantages.