Abstract. The parameters of barrier distributions on the protein energy landscape in the excited electronic state of the pigment / protein system have been determined by means of spectral hole burning for the lowest-energy pigments of CP43 core antenna complex and CP29 minor antenna complex of spinach Photosystem II, as well as of trimeric and monomeric LHCII complexes transiently associated with pea Photosystem I pool. It has been demonstrated that all of these complexes exhibit sixty to several hundred times lower SHB yields as compared to molecular glassy solids previously probed by means of the hole growth kinetics (HGK) measurements. Thus, the entities (groups of atoms) which participate in conformational changes in protein appear to be significantly larger and heavier than those in molecular glasses. No evidence for small (<1 cm -1 ) spectral shift tier of the spectral diffusion dynamics has been observed. Thus, our data most likely reflects the true barrier distributions of the intact protein and not